Good oral hygiene has been taught to us since early on. Commercials touted good oral hygiene to produce great smiles and healthy teeth that will last. Taking care of teeth and gums is important for a variety of reasons but it is also important for you to occasionally examine your mouth for other issues that may arise. Your mouth can be an indicator of your overall health. Tooth decay and gum issues are primary concerns for dentists but they are also looking for other tell-tale signs of something amiss. Some of these could be flat teeth, dry mouth and sores, all indicators of other problems.
Dry mouth can be a sign of Sjogren's Syndrome or Diabetes or a sign of dehydration. There can be other symptoms to these illnesses but one shouldn't think that they will drink a couple of glasses of water and it will go away. You need to be ware that your body may be signaling that a more severe problem exists.
Sores within the mouth may be an infection but if they are persistent and have been there awhile it may be a sign of oral cancer which is pretty serious. If you have noticed white webbing inside your cheeks like resemble lace it may be a sign of Lichen Planus which is an oral skin disease. The next time a sore creeps up inside your mouth, watch it to see if it disappears or stays around. The latter should be checked out by either your dentist or a physician.
Gums that are growing over the teeth can mean you have problems with medication. Older people may experience crusting on their dentures which would be a sign of aspiration pneumonia. If you are a teeth grinder it will appear in having flat teeth and usually you are asked to wear a protective guard at night so you can stop wearing away the enamel on your teeth. If teeth are cracking and crumbling then it may mean one has bulimia which is often seen in younger people or a sign of GERD.
It is important to take care of your gums and teeth as they are the only set you get. The next step would be dentures or veneers. After you brush your teeth, examine your mouth and gums to make sure everything looks healthy. If you think something is amiss, schedule an appointment with either your dentist or doctor to determine if there is a more serious issue at hand.