Saturday, 4 June 2011

Strengthen Abdominal Muscles With the Ab Rocket

The abdomen is a difficult area to control and maintain, and that's why countless people are using the Ab Rocket. In many ways, this area of the body is like a relationship: If you want it to cooperate, it means discovering what really works. It means researching which exercises actually make the abdomen stronger, as well as eating correctly and participating in regular exercise.

This process takes time and results shouldn't be expected immediately. The Ab Rocket has the ability to create stronger abdomens and it works well with other fitness workouts. This fitness machine for the stomach is designed to help someone train these difficult muscles in the comfort of their own home.

What Is It?

There are those who prefer working out in their own home. Rather than purchasing countless exercise machines, these people try to buy strategic fitness tools. This creates the same effect they would receive by going to the gym. An Ab Rocket is one of these machines that targets the abdomen region.

This fitness trainer coaches the stomach, so it learns how to become stronger. It uses an exclusive pattern of movement to target specific abdominal muscle tissues. This helps them get stronger and forces them to get bigger and expand. However, a person has to learn how to do it the right way.

Trainer Provides Exercises for People

This trainer comes with three sets of stress springs. These give you the ability to start increasing strength gradually and keep you from over-stressing muscles too quickly. You shouldn't go full force if you haven't exercised these muscles prior to using the ab trainer.

The machine also focuses on the abdominal muscular tissues so they can become stronger. On the other hand, there are Ab Rocket customer reviews that say you don't actually need a machine to strengthen the ab muscles. However, if these muscles aren't trained correctly, you might do more harm than good. After all, you don't want to get injured or actually end up making the stomach region look larger.

This is why it is important to follow exercises that utilize the stomach muscles in the correct way because otherwise the muscles won't become leaner; they will actually get bigger. There are some reviews that say there aren't very many ab trainers that work in a similar fashion, and that says a lot of about this machine.

How Should You Use It?

The material that comes with this ab trainer says optimum results happen when the fitness machine is used for five minutes every single day. However, there are other Rocket reviews that say better results occur when a day or two is taken off in between. They say the muscles need to be relaxed once the Ab Rocket is used.

With Ab Rocket Abdominal Trainer, there are a lot of abdominal crunches that you can do, including side crunches to work on your oblique muscles. You can also do some biking movements like you would in a Pilates class.

From working on your lower to upper abdominal muscles, you certainly can do a wide variety of fitness workouts with this great piece of equipment.

The ab workout device can also assist you as you perform a set of plain and ordinary sit-ups. Moreover, the three levels of resistance that this product features can help you strengthen your core, slim up your waist and tone your abdominal muscles.

Apart from helping you achieve good-looking abs, this device can also help you improve and correct your posture, as well as reduce various muscle injuries.

Why You Should Have One?

The best part of having this ab workout device is that it comes with a free fat-blasting system that includes a low-calorie meal plan and an instructional DVD that features cardio exercises, ab workouts and a Pilates assister.

With Ab Rocket Abdominal Trainer, you’ll definitely get a lot for just a price of roughly $80. Use this device for five minutes every day and you’ll soon find yourself wearing the perfectly-sculpted and evenly-toned six pack abs that you’ve always dreamed of.

See What These Users have to say about the Ab Rocket

Virginia "I looked at the Ab Rocket with a lot of skepticism but with the simple hope that it would work as advertised. This product does work if you use it right. Initially, I approached it from a typical sit-up perspective, but that wasn't the right way. This is good for crunches, not sit-ups. It makes them easier and definitely more fun."

Simple Steps You Can Take To Relieve Upper Back Pain

If you are suffering from upper back pain you may want to consider these simple steps in order to obtain some relief. Please note that before embarking on any exercise routine however, you should discuss it with your health professional first to ensure that you don't do yourself any further damage.

Stretching is very important, it is something we tend to do involuntarily but it is a good idea to get into a routine where we consciously stretch the spine to strengthen the back. Try doing this several times a day, when you first wake up, after sitting down for any length of time and before going to bed. It also has a positive effect on stress levels, quite often when we are tense and worried we tend to carry it on our upper back so getting into this routine will help alleviate our muscles getting locked up. If you want to take this even further, yoga and Pilates are disciplines that are based on stretching the muscles of the body thereby strengthening the back.

Bad posture is a major factor in aggravating back pain, slouching when seated will put a strain on your upper back and neck muscles. If you are female and well endowed make sure the bra you are wearing is the right size and is giving you the support you need so that the strain is not put on your back causing you to slump forward.

 Try to keep your weight within your recommended BMI as carrying around those extra pounds is hard work and will affect your posture. Standing and sitting straight will make you look slimmer and will also strengthen back muscles. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes that allow you to walk properly. There are many types of footwear on the market these days that are designed to enhance natural posture and to correct any walking imbalance.

As well as our waking hours, we need to think about protecting our back and neck when we are asleep. It is important to ensure that the mattress we sleep on is supportive because if it slumps in the middle we will too! Many people swear by memory foam, it feels soft and comfortable yet gives the required support to the spine. Pillows are important too, memory foam pillows suit some people although personally my neck felt worse after trying one.

 Whichever pillow you choose make sure that you go for a good quality item that will support your neck comfortably. Your sleeping position should ideally be either on your back or your side, lying on your front gives absolutely no support to your spine and twists your head to one side so it is best to avoid this.

Making these small changes can have a positive impact on our spinal health so it is well worth incorporating them into our daily lives.

Relieve Your Back Pain With Exercise

Are you struggling with back pain? Is your pain keeping you from enjoying your favorite activities? Back pain can be severely debilitating. It can keep you from enjoying an active, healthy lifestyle. You may be able to lessen or even eliminate your pain with exercise. Before we go any further, if you are experiencing chronic back problems please go see your doctor, make sure that your back is structurally sound and that there are no other reasons you shouldn't be exercising.

One of the most difficult things to get past when it comes to any kind of pain is fear. For years doctors prescribed rest and said, "just be careful not do too much". When you hear this you start to wonder if any activity might worsen your pain and lead to greater injury. In recent years doctors have done a complete 180 on treating back pain. Today most doctors are prescribing exercise and increased activity to patients. That doesn't mean the idea of being more active when you have pain isn't scary. World class athletes can have difficulty overcoming this fear. Pain is an instinctual fear and putting the thought of increased pain aside is essential to reestablishing a healthy back.

One of the leading causes of back pain is inactivity. Inactivity leads to weaker muscles around the spine and increases the risk of injury. This is the reason doctors have moved toward prescribing increased exercise as method to relieve pain. Exercise, as opposed to rest, is generally more beneficial for the relief of back pain. For low back pain specifically you should focus your exercise regimen on the abdominal (stomach) muscles, the glutes (buttocks), quadriceps (front of the thighs), hips and back muscles. All of these core muscles provide strength and stability to the spine.

The core is an area that is often overlooked or under emphasized in training programs. We're not just talking about sit-ups here. We're talking about the entire midsection and the muscles deeper in the abdomen that provide the most support to the spine. Exercises like planks, side planks, superman and back extension really focus on the deep core muscles that protect and stabilize the spine. Also, you need to focus on the legs, hips and glutes with your exercise. Having strong legs, hips and buttocks all work to stabilize the spine and can help prevent injury to your lower back.

Cardiovascular exercise is also important in relieving and preventing back pain. Aerobic exercise will strengthen your heart and will make sure your muscles are getting more oxygen-rich blood which makes the muscles healthier. Some people have difficulty with cardio machines actually causing pain. If that is the case start with a walking program along with core strengthening exercises and eventually those machines that caused back pain will become much more tolerable.

Staying active with exercise is going to improve your overall health as well as help control your back pain. Don't let back pain control your life. Start exercising the pain away and get back to a more active, healthy lifestyle.

Exercise is one of the best methods to relieve your back pain. But, you have to make sure that you try to consult a trustful physician before decided to work on certain type of exercises. The degree of your injury and personal limits needed to be taken into consideration too.

However, many patients worried that the back pain exercises will only worsen their pain. Some how it’s true in some cases especially at the initial stage of the exercises since the muscles are first put to work. You will feel a bit painful when your muscle started to gain strength. You will be beneficial from the back pain relief exercises as long as you are doing the right exercises.

Basic movements help to tone and build up the core muscles that support the spine. By strengthening your core, flexibility increases and posture improves. Core exercises prevent future pain and can reduce overall discomfort. A strong spine and core help you to avoid a number of injuries. Exercise improves balance and flexibility; two skills necessary to avoid injury, especially in older patients.

Exercise helps you to learn to manage your own pain. Patients suffering from chronic pain may find this hard to believe, but it has been proven to be true. Exercise teaches patients how to manage, and sometimes overcome, their pain. Back pain sufferers who exercise will still experience some pain. Exercise provides tools for pain management, not pain removal.

In addition to improving physical fitness, exercise can provide psychological benefits. Oftentimes, a patient who begins a work-out routine will feel better about themselves after a short period of time. Getting up and getting active can be a great way to boost the self-esteem. Once a patient receives this positive feedback, they are likely to feel more inclined to stick to their routine. A noticeable loss of weight or drop in clothing size may provide further motivation.

Exercising can be a great way to meet other people who share your interest in personal fitness. You can meet people at the neighbourhood gym or on a walk down the street. Meeting others can make exercise more interesting. Many people choose to work-out with a friend. Having a work-out partner helps remove the monotony from exercise. Friends will also help to keep you on track and committed to your fitness routine.

Oftentimes, patients just do not know how to get started. Walking can be a great way to get active. It is free and can be done virtually anywhere. A bit of sun and fresh air can do a world of good. Walking can also help you to gain confidence and motivate you to increase the intensity of your workout over time. Remember not to move too quickly. Learning to manage your back pain is a slow process that requires plenty of patience and time.

Portable Treadmill For a Healthier Body Everyday

Do you want to stay healthy and fit, but it takes too much effort for you to go to the gym? Getting yourself a portable treadmill would be a great help if you wish to get into shape and feel healthy. Due to the increasing demand of people today who want to exercise in the comfort of their own homes, manufacturers have invented and new way to make this possible. There is no need for them to go to the gym and travel all the way there. It can be risky, especially if there is bad weather, like heavy rain outside. You can trim your body down and be in good shape by staying at home.

You can make no excuses, as it is readily available for you to use. You can achieve not only a sexy body, but also a healthier one. Exercising daily helps keep the organs of your body functioning well. It helps improve blood circulation and keeps the organs properly nourished. It prevents you from getting sick, as it boosts the immune system to help fight against infection. It helps increase your stamina, so you'll be able to perform better at your other day to day activities. It tones your muscles, giving you enough strength and durability all day long. Thus, it provides you all these benefits and you don't even need to go anywhere to use it. There is no hassle and it is very convenient.

Getting a portable treadmill allows you to do exercise without taking up much space. It is made to fit well in any place, which is why it is best to use at home or even in a room with a small space, like in an apartment. Other than that, it makes it easier for you to stow after using. You can put it away without having trouble about the space it will take up. There are designs that allow you to fold it up when not in use. This helps save space when not in use. It is also very lightweight so that you can have it transferred anytime at any place. It takes less effort to move it from one place to another.

Buying a portable treadmill offers you a lot of advantages, especially in times when you do not feel like going to the gym. It is made available for you in your own home. Thus, you cannot make excuses for you can do exercise at anytime and at any place you want. There is no need to hassle yourself and travel to the gym, especially in times wherein there is heavy rain, storms, or snow outside. You can start your day by spending some time on it. It keeps your healthy and fit everyday.

Osteoarthritis and Inflammation - The Chicken or The Egg

One of the primary differences between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis has to do with inflammation. Although inflammation is generally thought of as a negative or undesirable condition, it is actually one of the body's many responses to a metabolic crisis usually bought on by the presence of one microbial pathogen or another. The heat that is often generated by inflammation - as in the case of fever - is actually the body's way of attempting to literally cook the intruder to death in combination with increased activity of your white blood cells and various chemicals. In a healthy metabolism this is obviously meant to be a short lived process where the intruder is effectively dealt with and the system can return to balance. Without this mechanism the body would be unable to prevent infection and heal wounds.

There is another form of inflammation that can exist in the body without the local heat, redness and swelling. This is inflammation that exists in a more general sense - a sort of ongoing low grade type of chronic inflammation that is a result of the metabolism falling out of balance. This is the type of inflammation which leads to what have become known as auto-immune diseases like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, colitis, Crohn's disease and arthritis to name just a few. In a sense this type of inflammation leads to a biological situation of the body attacking itself and damaging tissues.

As with most health problems, one can trace this imbalance back to dietary input and the metabolic environment created by the foods we eat. Our biological predisposition is uniquely adapted to run on certain key macro and micro nutrients which we obtained from our traditional environment. If these necessary food items are not available to the metabolism, it's not too much of a stretch to suspect that this might cause a problem.

 It would also follow from this line of reasoning that if there is an over abundance of low nutrient or harmful foods in the diet that there could also be problems. To make matters even more complicated, there is the contemporary issue of exposure to an ever-growing list of negative environmental factors. In short, the environment from which we now feed has in a fraction of evolutionary time become anything but traditional. I'll explore in more detail the actual causal components of our modern diets that lead to this and other conditions in future articles, but for now let's keep the discussion to the outcome of such a diet, which is inflammation.

With regards to rheumatoid arthritis a couple of factors come into play. First, there is the acidic and low oxygen environment that develops through an improper diet. This allows for an increased presence of microbial fauna in the form of anaerobic bacterias, yeasts, moulds, and ultimately fungus in the worst cases. Some of these pathogens like to colonize particular parts of the body. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis this obviously occurs in the joints causing in turn the localized inflammation and discomfort. The protocols to treat rheumatoid arthritis are most effective with a two pronged approach involving alkalization of the metabolism through dietary modification - which reduces the chronic inflammation - in conjunction with the use of natural anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal agents to go after the particular colony of pathogens residing in the joints.

Osteoarthritis is a somewhat different creature and is generally accepted to be a condition brought on by excessive wear and tear or simply by age. Although metabolic inflammation does come into play, the discomfort caused by osteoarthritis is not a result of pathogens colonizing your joints. Any localized inflammation which does occur is usually later in the development of the symptoms and is more a result of sufficient cartilage being eroded to the point that bone starts coming into contact with bone. This is often accompanied by the formation of bone spurs which contribute to the irritation of local tissues, leading to increased discomfort and ultimately inflammation.

The medical mainstream consensus view is that this is a mechanical issue and the only viable treatment is replacement of the affected joint or joints. This of course stems from the consensus refusal to recognize and take advantage of the body's inherent abilities for regeneration of tissues when it's provided with the necessary raw materials.

History is not exactly full of people complaining of aching joints and the statistical occurrence of osteoarthritis has been increasing steadily; like many diseases in lock step with the industrialization of our food supply and the increased presence of environmental toxins. If nothing else, this infers a dietary deficiency coupled with toxic exposures that place us outside of our evolved patterns of metabolism. This in turn leads to impaired tissue regeneration (insufficient raw materials) and over-burdening of toxicity (lack of minerals to clear waste). It is this scenario which I believe has led to this condition of chronic inflammation, which appears to have become a cultural commonality.

There are many dietary myths and factors that pervade the mainstream consensus, making it difficult for a lay person to make informed decisions about the correct diet for ultimate health. Despite newer research pointing to flaws in current modalities, the corporate interests profiting from the infrastructures built around these myths continue to protect these interests through 'paid for science' and obfuscation of the facts. The low fat myth and the high carbohydrate diet coupled with a misrepresentation of the relationship between LDL, HDL and total cholesterol, are just three factors that contribute to the systemic problem of low grade chronic inflammation.

As I've stated before, osteoarthritis can be viewed as a canary in a coal mine. Relative to the pantheon of different severe diseases/symptoms that can be brought on by ongoing inflammation, the discomfort caused by osteoarthritis could be considered minor, though annoying. Tissue regeneration is a metabolic process that goes on throughout the life experience and in this regard the cartilage between your bones is no different.

 If headway with symptoms is to be made there is no doubt that your metabolic environment needs to be adjusted through dietary modifications. One of the many biological systems that become affected by chronic inflammation is the endocrine system. Within the myriad of enzymes both manufactured and absorbed by the body are those that modify the proteins to create the various proteoglycans responsible for cartilage maintenance. This is just one of the many biological sub-systems that are affected by improper diet and the resulting chronic inflammation.

So when it comes to osteoarthritis, is inflammation the chicken or the egg? The answer appears to be both.

In my e-book "Curing Osteoarthritis" I explore through my own experiences a different way of approaching so-called disease. Having been debilitated with the pain and discomfort of Osteoarthritis myself for some time, I am now symptom free and have been so for about five years now. The book not only explores the way in which we look at Osteoarthritis, but also the way we perceive disease in general as well as providing in handbook form the protocols I used to cure my own condition.

Living Well Despite Asthma

Living with asthma can be a physical and emotional drain if not properly controlled. And let's face it, your condition impacts your entire family with day and night time flare ups, and trips to the emergency room. Gain better control of your asthma by taking these 5 steps to effect a change in your lifestyle.

Develop An Asthma Action Plan - This is a plan that your doctor will develop based on the severity of your condition. It will probably include a peak flow meter, a rescue inhaler, and various medications that suppress your body's reaction and those that can deal with the symptoms once they start to occur.

Committing to this regimen will lessen the peaks and valleys of this condition making it easier to live a more normal life with less fear and anxiety.

Keep Weight Controlled - Studies have shown that people who are overweight are much more likely to become asthmatic. And being overweight can not only exacerbate the condition but can greatly increase the likelihood of developing other related breathing problems such as sleep apnea.

A well balanced diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, fish, and grains will keep your body fit; lessen chances of other diseases that often result with obesity such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Eating well will also strengthen your immune system and increase lung function, both of which can result in a better quality of life.

Clean House - Clutter exponentially increases the amount of surface where asthma triggers can collect. Get rid of the piles - books, magazines, mail, clothing, and toys. These are places that are hard to clean or may never get cleaned.

Typical household triggers such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander and seasonal pollen can collect and lie in wait. The result is that the least bit of air current can send them airborne for you to inhale and possibly trigger an attack. Get someone else to de-clutter for the same reason.

Give Attention To The Bedroom - This space more than any other in your home should be one of relaxation, rejuvenation, and sleep. However, dust mites often make this impossible. These tiny bugs are most prolific in the bedroom, and mores specifically your bed.

The warm, dark, and moist conditions that your mattress and pillow offer are ideal. And since they feed on dead skin cells (dander) that are constantly being shed, they are literally happy campers. The feces from these critters are one of the most potent asthma triggers, so it's important to get this problem under control.

Encasing your mattress and pillows with dust mite covers can greatly reduce their population and make sleeping through the night a reality. Wash your linens weekly in water that is 160 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer to kill them. Sunlight kills the mites, so letting your bed air out frequently will also reduce the population.

Filter Your Air - Irritants that cause debilitating symptoms and flare ups come in both particulate and gaseous forms. Being able to continually trap and eliminate these irritants in one of the most proactive ways to live stronger. By removing the triggers you are following the first and best rule of thumb for asthma - eliminate the triggers.

Most asthma treatments include the use of short and long-term medications as well as some environmental monitoring and modifications. As with all types of medical treatments, not all patients will respond in the same way to each type of environment or possible problem. The asthma patient can achieve a full life and experience all that they can, despite the fact that they suffer from a debilitating and non-curable disease. Asthma can really take a toll on a patient. Asthma is the condition of inflammation and constriction of airways in the bronchial tubes and respiratory system. With recent discoveries underway, many patients have found that herbs have found their way into a possible treatment plan for people with asthma.

There is a wide variety of asthma treatment methods on the market today; the first one we will examine is called the Asthma Control Test. The Asthma Control Test a method that determines the severity of your asthmatic condition. Once the evaluation is performed, the results will allow you and your physician to work towards a resolution on a proper asthma treatment. One of the best and most effective natural asthma treatments is to avoid triggers that can induce an asthma attack. Depending on the severity of the asthma, triggers may be different areas and things that you should avoid.

Yes, this particular natural asthma treatment is, of course, based on trial and error of the sufferers personal experiences with attacks and asthma symptoms, but, overall, is the best natural asthma treatment. Asthma treatment is the most important part, so get good treatment that works for you, study about the effects of these treatments and you are sure to have no trouble with the medicines and inhalers prescribed by your doctor for your health and safety. Also remember not to panic because this will only cause further damage, practicing calm and steady breathing methods can also help with asthma attacks. In the cultural climate of Chinese Herbalists, many experiments have been done to investigate the effects of herbs for asthma treatment. One of the herbs that they have done testing with is called Ephedra Sinica. In modern day tests, this herb for asthma has been highly valued because of its ability to treat the disease.

Another herb, called Ma Huang, had the substance, Ephedrine, extracted from it in order to create a pharmaceutical for the treatment. Experts believe that this particular herb for asthma helps to alleviate the breathing difficulty in the asthma sufferer. Licorice Root has also been proven as an effective herb for asthma treatment. Licorice Root has been evaluated in the treatment of asthma and scientists have discovered that it assists in defeating the inflammation that constricts the airways in the asthma patient. This is the most highly rated herb for asthma today as a result of its healing properties. Many other herbs for asthma treatment have been evaluated for properties that help the asthma sufferer. Some of these herbs for asthma treatment include; seed of lobelia, marshmallow root, garlics and onions and other remedies on the holistic front.

Facts About Asthma Attacks
Asthma Natural Treatment And Remedies That You Ought to Know
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Dental Care Center-quality Services And Treatment

Facts About Asthma Attacks

Asthma Natural Treatment And Remedies That You Ought to Know
A Natural Acne Treatment Can Cure Your Acne Forever
Is Your Current Acne Treatment Working?
Dental Care Center-quality Services And Treatment

Asthma is a recurring condition in which certain antigen-based triggers (such as pollens, dust or cold air) cause the airways to constrict, become inflamed, and are lined with excessive amounts of mucous, resulting in restricted breathing. These triggers also cause certain immune cells in the airway to release chemical signals that lead to inflammation (see Figure 1). It is estimated that as many as 300 million people of all ages, and all ethnic backgrounds, suffer from asthma world wide. It is estimated that there are 22.5 million people living with asthma in the U.S. Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood, affecting an estimated 4.8 million US children (GINA 2004; Adams and Marano 1995; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1995).

The primary goals of asthma therapy are to prevent chronically recurring and troublesome symptoms (coughing, breathlessness), maintain near normal pulmonary function and activity level, and reduce the severity and frequency of recurrent exacerbations. Asthma medications are categorized in two general classes: long-term control medications taken daily to achieve and maintain control of persistent asthma and quick-relief rescue medications taken to provide prompt reversal of acute airflow obstruction and relief of bronchoconstriction. The pharmacologic agents most commonly used to treat chronic asthma and exacerbations include inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), short-acting and long-acting ß2 agonists (SABA and LABA, respectively), combination ICS/LABAs, antileukotrienes, anticholinergics and anti-IgE monoclonal antibodies. Beta2-agonists are typically used to relax smooth muscle cells of the airway for acute relief of airway constriction and inhaled corticosteroids for the treatment of underlying inflammation.

Although the use of ICS and LABA have dramatically improved asthma care, a significant percentage of patients, approximately one out of four, are not well-controlled, and continue to experience asthma exacerbations despite ongoing therapy. More specifically, 20% of patients are not well controlled (as defined by GINA [Global Initiative for Asthma]) on ICS/LABA combinations and 35% of patients are not well controlled on ICS therapy alone. The 2003 introduction of an injectable monoclonal antibody targeting IgE, has provided a defined group of poorly-controlled asthma patients a new treatment option with a differentiated mechanism of action; however, new therapies are needed for patients living with asthma who are not well-controlled with existing pharmacologic treatments.

Asthma results from a dysregulated, hyperresponsive immune system. Some immune cells in allergic asthmatics respond agressively to foreign allergens with the release of interleukins 4 and 13, two key mediators that initiate a cycle of inflammation in the lung. AEROVANT™ is an IL4Ra receptor antagonist that blocks the inflammatory effects of interleukins-4 and -13 (IL-4 and IL-13), thereby promoting a more balanced immune response.

Exercise Induced Asthma is a common form of asthma that is triggered when a person engages in 20 minutes of exercise or more.  People who struggle with this may not have other triggers for their asthma.  They may wonder why they have a feeling of a tight chest while they exercise.  They may have a tight chest and wheeze despite their continuous efforts at exercise.

Some of the triggers of Exercised Induced Asthma include dry, cold air.  According to the American Academy  of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, “Air is usually warmed and humidified by the nose, but during demanding activity people breathe more through their mouths. This allows cold, dry air to reach your lower airways and your lungs without passing through your nose, triggering asthma symptoms.”  That’s cool to know, isn’t it?

Exercise Induced Asthma also occurs commonly in elite athletes.  So if you have this condition know you are not alone, and are with the elite.   In her blog “Well” Gretchen Reynolds discussed how common it is for winter athletes to experience Exercise Induced Asthma.   She discusses how researchers used to think that the cold air was what caused exercise induced asthma, but they now think it may more be of an issue of dry air wearing on the lungs.  The Exercise Induced Asthma may be a symptom of over use in dry air.

Some strategies for overcoming Exercise Induced Asthma, besides consulting with your doctor, is to try to breath through your nose.  This will moisten the air.  Though this may be difficult during periods of particularly taxing exercise, taking a few moments to breath through your nose may  make all the difference.

As a child I had asthma but I grew out of it. Several months ago, I asked my mom if by some stroke of luck she had kept the inhaler device I depended on for a while. Too bad she had thrown it out or else I might have an opportunity to write about a medical device that has quite literary allowed generations of asthma sufferers to breath and live better. These once propeller-driven ”puffer” have been replaced by the metered dose inhalers that you see below. For asthma sufferers, Ventolin, Becotide and Flexotide are household names we’ve had to grow up with including the purple coloured Seretide that reminds me of the time when Barney the Dinosaur were my kids’ favourite.

Below is the Volumatic™ Spacer Device that my daughter uses for easier administration of Ventolin and Becotide metered dose inhaler. In cases where her wheezing coughs have progressively worsened, one or more Nebuliser treatments at the clinic becomes necessary.

Like any concerned parent, I worry about her depedency on the Ventolin™ Evohaler (Salbutamol). As it turns out, Salbutamol is a non-steroidal bronchodilator which from experience is extremely effective in opening the otherwise blocked or constricted airways that makes breathing difficult. In fact, Ventolin’s effectiveness is so widely used and proven that a Chinese medical supplies stockist recommends it for immediate or emergency relief.

The link between asthma and allergies. Allergy-induced asthma is the most common type of asthma in the United States and I suspect this is also true in most countries. Ever since we moved to our present residence in Kg Sg Bera in Seria, Jewel has had on and off complications. It does help that we live in a semi-industrialised location where two ready-mixed cement factories operate. Then one day, I discovered that they’ve been visiting a neighbour who has a number of dogs and Jewel had been regularly playing with their new puppies. I found out from our physician that the protein in dogs saliva (or cats and rodents for that matter) is a known allergen that triggers asthma. If you Google this you’ll find the common triggers being pollen, mold, dust mites and animal dander (skin flakes in an animal’s fur).

How To Find A Quality Treadmill For Top Level Training

Lots of people assume that having a treadmill inside your home is surely an investment for yourself or the family. Anyone who would like to exercise and lose weight can use the treadmill with no trouble. In addition, you can use the treadmill even in your office if you're too busy to attend a gym or fitness club because it is transportable and simple to use. Due to need for possessing a treadmill, many people have commenced getting treadmill for their homes and offices and obtaining a good treadmill is definitely in the top list of anyone who wants to shed weight and look their very best when wearing their most favorite swimsuits.

This ought to be good, but the most significant dilemma could well be on how to decide on high quality treadmill for your workout routines. How can this be crucial anyway? The likelihood of costing you funds on an incompatible treadmill are certainly higher today due to sporadic advertising and online hoaxes. Most likely, you can be walking within a trap and on the other hand obtain a poorly conditioned treadmill. To be able to stop this, you will need to know how to pick a good treadmill for high quality exercises. How would you go on accomplishing this?

First of all, remember to confirm the condition of the treadmill. You can find regions of a treadmill that needs to be checked out on before you take out your bank card from your very own wallet. The electric motor is definitely the first thing that you need to check since your treadmill will not function effectively with out a superior electric motor. The handle ought to be firm and strong without rust. On the whole, don't purchase a treadmill that appears like it would fall apart the time you commence using it.

Next, picture your present shape. In case you are obese and wish to make use of your treadmill to lose weight, choose a treadmill that's tougher and more powerful. Right now these types of treadmills are very pricey, so better check your wallet to see if you are able to shell out the dough. You will find durable models that are not too expensive, so watch out for those too. A good treadmill to decide on would be the flip type, since you can store it everywhere and take it along with you.

Using these in mind, always remember to find the best treadmill when you really need one for your very own office or home. Besides, a fantastic workout isn't complete without having a good treadmill.

If you're an avid runner and needs a better than average home treadmill for your high-intense cardio vascular workout, you should resist the urge to buy those cheap and inferior models. Surely, you can get a home treadmill for less than $500, but those models aren't sturdy enough and don't bring the required power and performance for a tough and very demanding, running and interval training exercise.

When shopping for a home treadmill, don't buy the cheapest model available just to make a cut on your spending. Always consider your needs and look for those treadmill models made with better quality and sturdier construction, more powerful motors, longer running deck, good warranty and loaded with all the basic features you will need.

After all, home exercise equipment makes up for a huge investment, so you deserve the one you can rely on a regular basis and provide a great quality of workout. Here's a nice selection of the top-rated treadmills that make the perfect choice for the serious runners and workout enthusiast.

Overview of Sole F80 Treadmill

Sole F80 treadmill is one of the highest quality treadmills within its price range in the market today. While there are more expensive and powerful treadmills in the market today, Sole F80 provides enough capabilities to help you with your workouts and trainings and serve as one of the best home treadmills to have - If you are looking for treadmills with gym standards.

Sole F80 treadmills have six automatic programs that you can program and challenge yourself with, including cardio and fat burning as well as manual settings should you decide to select your own comfort level.

The F80 also have a 7.5 inch LCD display window for you to easily keep track of your speed, incline, time, distance traveled, calories, pulse, and pace. Integrated into the display window is a sound system that plays your ipod and mp3 player, which gives you the extra boost in energy and motivation. Though loud and clear, it would have been better if the treadmill is integrated with a sub woofer for bass.. but nonetheless, its a treadmill.. not a music player.

The F80 also comes with an integrated message board which can be used to see how you progress with your workouts by showing you your entire routine after you're done with your workouts. The bonus of course, is that this treadmill comes with a wireless chest strap that helps to monitor your heart rate... with an amazing accuracy rating at 99.9% !

F80 treadmill is part of the folding Sole Treadmills series, thus, allowing you to fold and store your treadmill after your workouts, thus, giving a more spacious look while keeping this effective workout machine in check. The drawback however, is that it is HEAVY... and make sure that you consider this when you have stairs at home. In most cases, it would be more appropriate to set it in one corner and not touch it. This way, you'll never have problems with its weight.

Sole F80 Treadmill also gives you one of the most spacious and generous running deck of 20 by 60 inches... and this means that you don't have to worry even if you are a runner with wide, unfocused strides.

All in all, F80 treadmill is a cutting edge, high quality treadmill for home in the market today.

Sole F80 Treadmill Features

F80 Treadmill Product Feature

* Folding treadmill with 3.0-horsepower continuous-duty motor
* Vibrant 7.5-inch LCD display with integrated speakers and audio cable
* 6 standard workouts, 2 custom workouts, and 2 HR-controlled workouts
* Easy Assist folding deck design; Cushion Flex shock-absorption system
* 350-pound capacity; measures 33 x 80 inches (W x D); weighs 250 pounds

F80 Treadmill Technical Details

* Product Dimensions: 82 x 36 x 16.5 inches
* Shipping Weight: 284 pounds
* Item model number: F80-11
Sole F80 Treadmill Reviews By Real Users
Great Treadmill For The Price

"Well, I have put about 90 miles on the treadmill and so far its everything I expected. So - I weigh about 210 lbs and run/walk for about an hour a day for the last month. I had my heart set on a Life Fitness model as that is what I used at my local gym.

The Life Fitness model was about $6K and without a doubt this unit is on par with a high end Life Fitness model. I debated between the F80 and the F85 and given that I do run and plan to run about an hour a day.

Sure, the F85 is recommended for runners but given the great warranty - I figured I'd go with the F80."

BM (Boston, MA)

Wonderful !

"I didn't go wrong, I love using it the kids love it ! I like the real buttons the 3.0-horsepower continuous-duty motor works great the slow start but not to slow and slow stop i would almost kill myself at the workout clubs trying to get the treadmills to start and stop. I. can let the kids use it without thinking they might fall with fast starts.

I love it."

Great Tips for Curing Back Pain

Many people experience back pain at one time or another during their lives. Some experience minor discomfort while others suffer excruciating pain. Many suffer in silence as they do not know of an effective solution to their problem. This can affect daily life and may even disrupt performance of simple daily tasks. There are many solutions for someone experiencing back pain: to treat it as it occurs or to get rid of the pain once and for all.

Back pain has affected many people over the ages. Not all who experience it visit the doctor every time they experience the pain. There is no official record of the number of people who experience back pain as the pain may be experienced in different degrees. Many people tend to self-medicate by resting at home or by easing their muscles and back bones with a gentle massage.


Exercise, as anyone would vouch, is a good activity for strengthening your body and keeping you in good health. Therefore it is not surprising that you should consider working up some kind of exercise program if you experience.

Exercise causes the different parts of the body to experience better blood flow, which nourishes the joints, muscles and discs. Spasms, the main cause of back pain, can be relieved with exercise. Even simple and easy exercises have proven to be beneficial for easing back pain.

Prolonged positions 

If you are constantly at the computer doing your work, you should be sitting with your feet flat on the floor for better posture and better blood circulation. Putting your feet on a foot rest helps to alleviate pain as well as getting up from your chair and moving about for just 5 minutes for every hour you are seated. If you have to stand for long periods of time, shift your weight from one foot to the other to relieve back pain and encourage better blood circulation.

Types of shoes 

Besides exercise, what you wear on your feet also plays an important role in the occurrence of back pain. You should opt for low-heeled shoes with soft soles for more comfort for your back. You can put inserts into your shoes to attain better posture and avoid back pain. If you feel you are overweight, losing the extra weight can help to ease the burden on your back.

Understanding Your Spine

Understanding how your spine looks can help you see the elements that make up our person, as well as give us the ability to perform daily. The spine at the top includes two vertebras and separates by the cervical vertebrae. Between the joining vertebrae are disks and the associating nerve roots. Down toward the center back is the thoracic vertebrae, which below it is the body of the spine. Joining these elements below is the neuroformen, which is slightly higher than the disk that separates the two spines. Below the disk are the nerve roots and to the other side are the lumbar vertebrae. Below the nerve roots is the facet joints and almost adjacent is the pelvis. Below the joints is the sacrum, which adjacent is the sacroiliac joint. The coccyx sits at the bottom of the second vertebrae and completes the spinal column.

Having an outline of the spine can help one appreciate how the back is structured and to see areas that could lead to back pain. As we look at the outline, it can help us to appreciate that the spine makes up elements that help us to move, bend, slope, and twist, which each movement can cause back injuries. Within the structure of the spine, we have separate bones. The total count is "34," which these bones connect with the spinal unit, facet joints, vertebral body, disks, spinal unit, and the facet joints at the lower section.

The coccyx alone makes up the fuse bones, which is around five or less. The bones rest at the base of the spine. The fuse bones are the tailbone in basic language and disable us, since the limb does not poise the spine. Rather the spine is our balance mechanism. Now, when we loose poise, it could cause falls. The coccyx is at risk, since it could break and lead to coccygodynia. Coccygodynia is a back condition that causes serious pain. The coccyx can be broke when a car accident occurs. In addition, trauma impacts can break the coccyx, as well as falling backwards.

How can I tell if I have coccygodynia?

A stabbing pain often occurs in the back, which sometimes the pain is sharp. This is a clear indication that potential damage has occurred to the coccyx. If you have difficulty sitting, you may have coccygodynia also. If sitting is difficult, likely you will feel pressure at the right side. Sometimes bowel movement is difficult as well.

What should I do if these symptoms arise? Ask your doctor to test you, using x-rays. If the x-ray is negative however, you may have only bruised your coccyx.

Additional fused bones climb the steps up the spine, making up another five bones. The sacrum meets in this area, which is a bone as well. The sacrum is a triangular-like bone at the lower back and joins with the hipbone on either side, forming the pelvis. The sacrum connects to the only area of the back limbs at the lower region. At the outer area of the pelvis rests the iliac bones. The larger bones connect to the joints known as sacroiliac. The joints are part of the hip ilium bones and the joints between the sacrum and the ilium.

The joints at this area shape similar to a horses saddle and interfaces the pelvis sides flanking between the pelvis and sacrum. Why are we discussing this area, since it really does not make up the spine? Because, this region is the single common section of the connective parts to the spine, where the lower back pain starts due to asymmetric, and deformity.

There are many things that can cause back pain… too many in fact! Use these 10 tips for back pain relief and keep your back healthy, strong and fit.

1. Stretch Often

Here are 3 reasons why stretching is really good for relieving back pain.

a) Improves your flexibility, which allows your back to move through its natural range of motion without any pain.

b) Sends essential nutrients to the tissues along your spine that keep your muscles from getting stiff and weak.

c) Helps to prevent further injury to your back.

2. Strengthen Often
Strengthening exercises are great for getting rid of back pain, as well as preventing injuries from happening in the future.

3. Lose Weight
Those extra pounds put a great deal of pressure on your back and strain both your back and abdominal muscles. This can weaken important muscles and help cause the problem. (check out the weight loss series for a step by step plan for losing the pounds)

4. Improve Your Posture
Having a bad posture means your body is out of balance. When it comes to your back only a small number of muscles and joints are doing the work.  Having a good posture will spread out the task to more muscles and relieve the intense pressure on small areas of your back.

5. Keep Moving
Simple actions, like using your leg strength, instead of back muscles to lift heavy objects can make a huge difference. Whether you’re at work, home, or working out, be aware of how you can modify your movements to avoid unnecessary stress on your back.

6. Cold and Hot Method
During the first 48 hours after a back injury ice slows down the swelling and acts to reduce the pain. But after 48 hours it stops working. This is when you should switch to heat – a simple heating pad will do the trick. This increases the blood flow to recovering tissue and relaxes your muscles.

7. Massage Your Sore Muscles
Massages will help you relax those strained muscles. But most importantly it can relieve a ton of stress from your mind and help you relax mentally.

8. Change Up Your Routine
Although movement can help reduce back pain, it’s also important to avoid things that result in putting too much stress on your back. Whether it’s improving your posture in a chair, not lifting heavy objects, or avoiding things that cause you aggravation, adapt your daily routine to not aggravate your back.

9. Stand With Less Stress
When standing upright, your chest should be forward, your head up, shoulders straight, and your weight should be evenly distributed between your feet with your hips tucked in. If you have to stand for long periods, avoid remaining in the same position for the entire time.  Be sure to move around and change positions often.  Another good idea is to rest one foot on a stool or curb, then switch to the other foot after a few minutes.

10. The Art Of Sleeping
Invest in a firm mattress and box spring that supports your body without sagging. You should sleep in a position where the natural curve in your back can be supported. Lying on your stomach on a soft mattress won’t help with back pain at all!  In fact avoid this situation altogether. The sleeping method that is recommended by many experts in order to support your body is to:

Have some sort of support in the space below your lower back.
Have some support below your knees to take strain off the lower back.
Have a pillow that supports your neck, keeps your spine aligned, and provides a natural curve for your neck to fit into.