Saturday, 4 June 2011

Relieve Your Back Pain With Exercise

Are you struggling with back pain? Is your pain keeping you from enjoying your favorite activities? Back pain can be severely debilitating. It can keep you from enjoying an active, healthy lifestyle. You may be able to lessen or even eliminate your pain with exercise. Before we go any further, if you are experiencing chronic back problems please go see your doctor, make sure that your back is structurally sound and that there are no other reasons you shouldn't be exercising.

One of the most difficult things to get past when it comes to any kind of pain is fear. For years doctors prescribed rest and said, "just be careful not do too much". When you hear this you start to wonder if any activity might worsen your pain and lead to greater injury. In recent years doctors have done a complete 180 on treating back pain. Today most doctors are prescribing exercise and increased activity to patients. That doesn't mean the idea of being more active when you have pain isn't scary. World class athletes can have difficulty overcoming this fear. Pain is an instinctual fear and putting the thought of increased pain aside is essential to reestablishing a healthy back.

One of the leading causes of back pain is inactivity. Inactivity leads to weaker muscles around the spine and increases the risk of injury. This is the reason doctors have moved toward prescribing increased exercise as method to relieve pain. Exercise, as opposed to rest, is generally more beneficial for the relief of back pain. For low back pain specifically you should focus your exercise regimen on the abdominal (stomach) muscles, the glutes (buttocks), quadriceps (front of the thighs), hips and back muscles. All of these core muscles provide strength and stability to the spine.

The core is an area that is often overlooked or under emphasized in training programs. We're not just talking about sit-ups here. We're talking about the entire midsection and the muscles deeper in the abdomen that provide the most support to the spine. Exercises like planks, side planks, superman and back extension really focus on the deep core muscles that protect and stabilize the spine. Also, you need to focus on the legs, hips and glutes with your exercise. Having strong legs, hips and buttocks all work to stabilize the spine and can help prevent injury to your lower back.

Cardiovascular exercise is also important in relieving and preventing back pain. Aerobic exercise will strengthen your heart and will make sure your muscles are getting more oxygen-rich blood which makes the muscles healthier. Some people have difficulty with cardio machines actually causing pain. If that is the case start with a walking program along with core strengthening exercises and eventually those machines that caused back pain will become much more tolerable.

Staying active with exercise is going to improve your overall health as well as help control your back pain. Don't let back pain control your life. Start exercising the pain away and get back to a more active, healthy lifestyle.

Exercise is one of the best methods to relieve your back pain. But, you have to make sure that you try to consult a trustful physician before decided to work on certain type of exercises. The degree of your injury and personal limits needed to be taken into consideration too.

However, many patients worried that the back pain exercises will only worsen their pain. Some how it’s true in some cases especially at the initial stage of the exercises since the muscles are first put to work. You will feel a bit painful when your muscle started to gain strength. You will be beneficial from the back pain relief exercises as long as you are doing the right exercises.

Basic movements help to tone and build up the core muscles that support the spine. By strengthening your core, flexibility increases and posture improves. Core exercises prevent future pain and can reduce overall discomfort. A strong spine and core help you to avoid a number of injuries. Exercise improves balance and flexibility; two skills necessary to avoid injury, especially in older patients.

Exercise helps you to learn to manage your own pain. Patients suffering from chronic pain may find this hard to believe, but it has been proven to be true. Exercise teaches patients how to manage, and sometimes overcome, their pain. Back pain sufferers who exercise will still experience some pain. Exercise provides tools for pain management, not pain removal.

In addition to improving physical fitness, exercise can provide psychological benefits. Oftentimes, a patient who begins a work-out routine will feel better about themselves after a short period of time. Getting up and getting active can be a great way to boost the self-esteem. Once a patient receives this positive feedback, they are likely to feel more inclined to stick to their routine. A noticeable loss of weight or drop in clothing size may provide further motivation.

Exercising can be a great way to meet other people who share your interest in personal fitness. You can meet people at the neighbourhood gym or on a walk down the street. Meeting others can make exercise more interesting. Many people choose to work-out with a friend. Having a work-out partner helps remove the monotony from exercise. Friends will also help to keep you on track and committed to your fitness routine.

Oftentimes, patients just do not know how to get started. Walking can be a great way to get active. It is free and can be done virtually anywhere. A bit of sun and fresh air can do a world of good. Walking can also help you to gain confidence and motivate you to increase the intensity of your workout over time. Remember not to move too quickly. Learning to manage your back pain is a slow process that requires plenty of patience and time.

1 comment:

  1. Its really a ncie post about the your back pain exercise. Lower Back Pain Exercises is proven to be the most effective to alleviate back pain. The objectives of the exercises is to strengthen the muscles that surround the back.
    back muscle pain in Taiwan
